Using social media.. a tricky question from a skimmer

These days I have been quite overwhelmed by social media.. I have been having an email ID for over 15 years now, slowly migrated to orkut then replaced it by facebook, followed by Linked In and more recently into Twitter.. more frequent on What's Up...

Well this is a profile of a social media skimmer I guess , just the basics and most trending or may I say outdated social media networks.

Social Media, Digital Marketing are some of the often used catch words in the marketing and brand space these days. So much so that even British tight lipped dictionaries have come to accept them and Like, Follow, Tweet, Googled have all become accepted and correct words in english.

Now that brings up some questions.. how well connected is Social Media ? how many people use it regularly, are truthful about it and have no issues being in the public media.

Recently I saw some statistics which mentioned that only 5% India own cars ? Now  I am yet to believe this stats, considering the amount of traffic, but if that were true, then what could be the extend of social media -  2-3% at the max.. of which you have skimmers like me..and completely hooked technocrats... so what could be the reach of social media ?

Is social media  more about sensationalism, trending, instant access than a long invested relationship building method...

It is indeed fast... and does influence many people who can be called twitteratti.... but in terms of relationship building.. its far out their in the periphery !!! That's the view of a social media skimmer in gist...

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