If Not Me.. Then Who ?

" If Not Me... then who ?"  a quote accredited to War veteran Travis Manion.

 Its simple yet loaded question.

I have always hated the notion of "damsel in distress". I visualize this as someone wailing and waiting to be rescued. And in my mind, that is not who I am.

Reading this quote was like holding up a mirror. 

I am embarrassed to admit that in many instances this is what I have done. Waiting for someone or something to conjure up solutions as I play the role of a passive passer-by. 

So here is a pertinent call to action.

If not me, then who ?

Its a thought I want to pursue

Opinions backed with actions add value

Else those are distractions just fallow

Needs and wants are good to express

Without action its a regress

Intent with content

leads to transcend.



Kavitha said...

Hey Anu, food for thought. One thing I like to follow is take responsibility for my life and take actions towards accountability. If it's meant to be ... It's up to me is a quote I recalled while reading your blog ... Keep us posted on the action plan ane keep writing.

Anu Jane said...

Thank you and yes have to continue with blogging ( action)