Climate Change.. & the Coppenhaggen Summit

The success of the Copenhagen summit is much touted in the media as the cause of the human tribe.. I think " climate change" has become a fashionable statement amongst diplomats of all countries and this is leading to a major money deals ( Billions of $) where treaties are made and then delibrated without any real steps...
Let's leave the diplomats & bearucrats to do what they do best... but there are many things that normal people like us can do to save the human tribe....
Here are some ways to generate Home Carbon Credits -

Starting with planting trees, I think one family should atleast own the same number of trees as their family members. There are org. in B'lore which help in these like , on paying Rs 365, they plant and take care of a tree for 2 years. Indoor plants is also a good option.Cost of planting trees is hardly anything and is a good and interesting hobby too

Rain harvesting - this is a good water harvesting technique which can be done with just couple of pipes , hoses & joints.Why wait for the city authorities to make a mega plan for water conservation, when you can do in your house, apartment or society.

Turning off running taps / lights while not in use - Simple but effective method. Actually this is more of discipline and should be taught early to children.

 Do not Litter / keep plastic and wet waste seperatly -  This is a cleanliness issue particuraly with Indians.What's the points in littering and then commenting that this place is dirty, I think it is the typical caste menatlity where we expect other's to clean our wastes....

Use of natural Light - I'm not talking about re-designing the house with skylights, but when possible use sun light and air instead of turning on the AC. Use light coloured curtains and positions study desks near windows to make effective use.

Turn off the engine while not in use - It directly contributes to Carbon Credits

Maintain your vehicle well - Do pollution check & certification regularly ( irrespective of the law), and drive well ( optimum gear and acceleration ) to get good mileage. This is easy on your wallet and on nature.

Car pool & Use of public transport - A train / bus can replace 1000 and 70 cars/ bikes on the road. Isn't that worth it

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