Finally it is Christmas

Defining what Christmas means is very difficult, it means celebration, genorosity , hope, light, family time, no work :)... and so much more..the best part , is the happiness which remains through out the month..

Somehow I tend to feel extra genrous, and friendly, and all smiles this time of the year. The carols, christmas tree, choclates, mistle toe, gifts, choclates , cakes and of course Sale!..simply make u warm large hearted person, i guess that's the magic of this month.The feeling of love and hope and happiness lingers around till New Year's eve.

It get's difficult to be at work during this time ...half the time I'm googling for the best recipe for brownies and cookies and so on.. my only worry is that the delicacies I cook would turn out horribly wrong and then I will have to devour everything by myself and will add another 10 Kilo's by new year's eve...

1 comment:

Abinesh said...

Ha ha ... so now i know how i got the dinner invite :) .... just kidding .. had a good time ... i hope i also put some Kgs :)