Gender Diversity is Now

I am lucky to be living now.

I see that 50% students are girls. I see young women rushing back home from work everyday. I see girls who are ready to take on life unfazed, steady and confident. I see women pursuing everything that they wish to do.

The Rio Olympic team from India has more than 50% women, part of the largest contingent ever. The picture of women scientists from ISRO celebrating their success is still in my mind. Women are there in every sphere, every circle and you cant wish them away.

Ofcourse there are many who may not agree and who are hesitant to  accept their intelligence and self worth , I hope and pray the winds of change will clear their mind's fogginess.

The tipping point is over. We women have changed , we have stepped out to claim our right-full space, we shall celebrate our life as per our choice and there is no looking back.

The time for gender diversity is now


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